

Florida Orange Blossom Nets

Fla. Orange Blossom 10-Meter Net (28.385-Mhz USB Tuesdays at 8:00pm) Fla. Orange Blossom 6-Meter FM Net (52.500-Mhz Thursdays at 8:30pm) South Cars # 10609 (7251-Mhz LSB Daily 8am to 1pm) Mosquito # 1099 (28.333-Mhz USB Wednesdays 6:30pm) All Times are…

Locals Meet Famous Ham

Local s Meet Gordon West WB6NOA

Ray KO4KME, and Mark WF3F, with the legend himself, Gordon West WB6NOA Two PARC members were at the Orlando Hamcation this weekend and met with author and all-around ham radio great, Gordon West. His work can be found at his…

Equipment Auction

The club received an exceptionally large donation of Radio gear.It was donated by Jerry WB8YUO in memory of a long-time club member and now a silent key Herb Kimball N8COA.The club has decided to auction off the equipment listed below.…


Gainesville Amateur Radio Society website link to KC4MHH digital radio information

National Hurricane Center Net

National Hurricane Center Annual Communications Test to be Held on May 28 WX4NHC, the amateur radio station at the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, Florida, will hold its annual communications test on Saturday, May 28, 2022, from 9 AM…

GARS Hurricane Net

Gainesville Amateur Radio Society Everyone is invited to join us: the goal is to make sure who can hear and be heard (practice for emergency times); the net is usually very short, with some local info, and a roll…